Van Gagh wanted to work as a lay minister helping the spirits of the ordinary of his country. When he actually tried to do that, he was a failure. So he did this second choice thing, making images. Those images help the spiriits of lots of people all the time, propped up and there, posters and postcards, healing because we need healing and healing because that was Vincent van Gogh's deep intention.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Previous Posts
- * To approach another human being with the idea "I...
- * I noticed that San Francisco and California have...
- * Can hallow anything a bit by paying a certain ki...
- * The deal is to talk about it all the time and n...
- Desperation expressed violently doesn't seem as ne...
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- She's a health-oriented anorexic, so the foods she...
- Some people like their gossip structured, so they ...
- This land used to be sea. I used to be me. I'm d...
- Jesus walked. That's mostly how he got around. B...
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