The city called by English speakers Munich is called by the people who live there Munchen, with two dots over the u.
That means monks. German has several ways to make plural endings, one being to add on en. English basically grew out of one form of German with lots of one form of French blended in
The -en ending from German lives on in English in men, women, and children.
Munich, Munchen was a city founded where there were already some monks. At that time Europe was awash in professional prayers. Not that they were all necessarily sincere and hard-working, as with any job, but having so many who were supposed to be praying had to increase the total amount of prayers.
There are now fewer professional prayers in the world than there used to be.
Which means this is the hour for amateur praying. A lot of people who say they believe in nothing whatsoever will do something like praying for someone they love when that person is sick or hurt or in danger.
I think it would be good for more and more people to access that kind of prayer like activity for the whole thing, or for parts of the whole thing that come to their attention.
Traditionally, professional prayers didn't get out much. Now people like me get out a lot more than we used of would have. Few if any women a hundred years ago had my freedom to walk about a city and see what up and hope for the best, vibe for the best like I do.
Freedom plus whatever passes for prayer when there is real need could help the world in a new way. Someone always on the spot to pray in exactly the right prayish way for exactly what's needed.
Though I always let whoever, whatever I've praying to proofread my prayers. Only give it if it's a good thing to give. You see bigger and longer than I do.
Munchen was founded as a city because a noble wanted to make money on the salt trade that came in and out of Salzberg, which is to say, Salt City. The traffic to and from Salt City all went through another city which got the trade and taxed the passersby.
The nobleman wanted some of that money and founded Munich where the monks were, and that worked. He got the traffic and made the money.
That kind of thinking is still going on and working in the way it works. Prayer needs to find new ways.
That means monks. German has several ways to make plural endings, one being to add on en. English basically grew out of one form of German with lots of one form of French blended in
The -en ending from German lives on in English in men, women, and children.
Munich, Munchen was a city founded where there were already some monks. At that time Europe was awash in professional prayers. Not that they were all necessarily sincere and hard-working, as with any job, but having so many who were supposed to be praying had to increase the total amount of prayers.
There are now fewer professional prayers in the world than there used to be.
Which means this is the hour for amateur praying. A lot of people who say they believe in nothing whatsoever will do something like praying for someone they love when that person is sick or hurt or in danger.
I think it would be good for more and more people to access that kind of prayer like activity for the whole thing, or for parts of the whole thing that come to their attention.
Traditionally, professional prayers didn't get out much. Now people like me get out a lot more than we used of would have. Few if any women a hundred years ago had my freedom to walk about a city and see what up and hope for the best, vibe for the best like I do.
Freedom plus whatever passes for prayer when there is real need could help the world in a new way. Someone always on the spot to pray in exactly the right prayish way for exactly what's needed.
Though I always let whoever, whatever I've praying to proofread my prayers. Only give it if it's a good thing to give. You see bigger and longer than I do.
Munchen was founded as a city because a noble wanted to make money on the salt trade that came in and out of Salzberg, which is to say, Salt City. The traffic to and from Salt City all went through another city which got the trade and taxed the passersby.
The nobleman wanted some of that money and founded Munich where the monks were, and that worked. He got the traffic and made the money.
That kind of thinking is still going on and working in the way it works. Prayer needs to find new ways.
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