Monday, February 05, 2007

I was in three close-to-each-other counties in one day. In each, I saw someone dancing in everyday life. A man in a supermarket aisle. A little kid on the sidewalk. A woman on her side lawn.

It was brief, but it was really dancing. Not choreographed, but dancing.

Three I saw. How many times did it happen that day, in San Francisco, Alameda and Marin Counties? Or in the counties of the whole United State? Or in the whole world? What really happens every day? What secret, widespread good things are afoot?

Though maybe the water had something to do with it. In terms of county lines, Alameda, San Francisco and Marin Counties are touching, in fact as land they are separated by water. Maybe the water that day found a way to say, "Move more liquidly, please."